Tips to Save Energy

Learn how to save energy at home and reduce your electricity bill

There are many ways to save energy, but don’t forget the most important: Switch to solar power and smart battery storage with PoweredUp Network.

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Energy-Saving Tip #1: Give Your Thermostat a Break

Heating and cooling homes accounts for a large amount of the energy used worldwide. It’s easy to see why keeping your thermostat under control is one of the best power-saving tips.

Energy-Saving Tip #2: Keep Your Electronics in Check

Home appliances waste almost as much energy as cooling and heating. While the amount of energy your appliances use will vary, the IEA says that appliance energy consumption grew by nearly 4% in 2021. Here’s how to keep yours to a minimum.

Energy-Saving Tip #3: Stop Sneaky Power Thieves

Implemented all the ways to conserve energy we’ve suggested so far? Your home could still have sneaky power thieves sapping your energy and costing you money.

Energy-Saving Tip #4: Make Some Upgrades

Americans are proving that they care about having eco-friendly homes: In a report from the National Association of Realtors, 48% of realtors said homebuyers were interested in sustainability. If you’re not in the market for a new home, you can still save energy by making some upgrades.

There’s more good news for solar: If you live in California, it’s one home upgrade that could cost you nothing up front when you work with a partner like PoweredUp Network. Our program provides a complete and customized solar power and battery storage system, including installation and maintenance at no cost to you. You only pay for the power you generate under the terms of the agreement. Click below to get started.

Ready to go solar?

See the Benefits of Solar Power